Felipe Q. Martinez
Mayor -
Mayor Martinez was elected in May, 2019

Patsy Roberts
Mayor Pro Tem -
Mayor Pro Tem Roberts was elected in May, 2016. Alderperson
Roberts took on the role of Mayor Pro
Tem in May, 2019.

Alderperson Place #2 -
Alderperson Gregory was elected in May, 2022.

Alderperson Place #3 -
Alderperson Lopez has served previously on the Council, but was most recently elected in May, 2022.

Leon Martinez

Sally Rodriguez
Alderperson Place #5 -

Roxann Pais Cotroneo
City Attorney -
As a Texas Municipal Lawyer, Roxann has won National awards for solutions to improve cities. She has authored two code enforcement books plus many articles. Roxann has also lectured at more than 40 national conferences on municipal law.

Santos McBain Management & Planning
Consultant -
The Santos McBain team is a multi-faceted group of experts that provide organizations with management, planning, contract negotiation, policy formation, project development, grant writing, grant administration and much more. This dynamic team's resume includes current team members who have held former positions including U. S. Senatorial Staffer, City Mayor, City Manager, U. S. Congressional Staffer, City Council Members, Non-Profit Executive Director, U. S. Air Force Data Systems Analyst.
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P. O. Box 398
Three Rivers, TX 78071
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